Setting the bar LOW

Ever find yourself looking at the amount you have to squeeze into a week and just wanting to give up?!

How on earth are you supposed to fit in all the things you WANT to do as well as all of the things you HAVE to do?

The perfectionist in me wants to do everything - keep an immaculate house, have impeccable behaved children, excel at my job, go on inspiring trail runs, smash my weight lifting goals AND get up at 6am to meditate. The realist in me sees that this is impossible, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to do it all!!

What I’m starting to realise is that perfectionism idolises the unattainable goal. There is no such things a perfect - in fact James will often tell me that ‘done is better than perfect’ and he’s absolutely right (although don’t tell him I said that … he’ll be unbearable!!)

If you can identify with these perfectionist tendencies you’ll probably also find they come with a downward spiral of negativity when you don’t achieve all of the things you set out to. I know, because I do it too. When we enter into that way of thinking it often comes with extremes - “I haven’t done any yoga today - I’m so rubbish at this, I don’t know why I bother."

Sound familiar?!

If you can identify with this way of thinking I’d love to introduce you to the ‘Low Bar’ concept (I learnt about this from the incredible Baz Moffat for The Well HQ)

Rather than setting yourself unachievable goals have a think about what you can realistically achieve in a day/week REGARDLESS of what life might throw at you. It doesn’t matter where you set the bar, just that it works for you and allows you to maintain a sense of achievement/progress. Baz describes it as “a two-out-of-ten effort”, something you can achieve with minimal effort.

Most importantly with this idea is that you don’t dismiss it because progress is slow - it’s still progress! It won’t get you big results BUT it will keep you moving forwards and help to stop the negative thought spiral that perfectionism brings.

This idea has been a real game changer for me - rather than trying to do EVERYTHING, I look at my week and set an achievable minimum of things i’d like to get done. Then anything that happens over & above is a bonus and I’d (almost) always able to see the progress I’m making. Not always … I’m still human!

So, if you’re struggling to make any sort of routine stick have a think about the minimum you can do and start there.

It all counts.

Love Gem x

P.S. If you’re still struggling to understand how to make time for some yoga/mobility I’d love to show you around the Feel Good Collective, my online yoga library of quick, feel good yoga classes for every day. With over 150 classes ranging from 5 minutes to 25 minutes there is something to fit under the lowest of bars!!


Stress & Down-Regulation


Overcoming Procrastination